VizIT Workflow

Owing a lot of thanks to MOOC, I took on the challenge as a full-time MOOC Data Engineer/Analyst at the Centre for Teaching, Learning and Technology at UBC. My manager, Ido Roll, embarked on the new venture and started the project.

UBC has been hosting dozens of courses on edX, with more than 150,000 registered students. We built and maintained the data pipeline that on a daily base, transformed data in its various formats, e.g. SQL dump, JSON, XML, CSV to structured data and stored them in Google BigQuery. I generated customized data reports and performed data analysis for research purpose. A major part of my work is to streamline and automate the dashboard reporting process. Our final product is VizIT, an interactive dashboard that seeks to offer an intuitive understanding of students’ learning and provide success metrics and actionable information for the course. VizIT is quite a pioneer in this area.

Feel free to check out my Github repository for some of my work.

VizIT Prototype

VizIT Pipeline


Dognition: How to Increase the Number of Tests Completed


Dognition ( is a company that teaches you how to build a deeper connection with your dog by giving you an unprecedented perspective on your dog’s personality and capabilities. The company has tasked us with helping them figure out what business changes they could implement to increase the number of tests users complete on their website.


Check out the screencast:

And accompanied tableau story:

How I start my journey to data science?

This is the excerpt for your very first post.

I started to get interested in data science when I finished one of my first MOOC courses, Data Analysis and Statistical Inference. It is a great course, which introduced me to statistics and R, the programming language for data science. Since then, I haven’t stopped. I continued with Data Science specialization on Coursera and The Analytics Edge on Edx, both inspired me and eventually lead me to the world of machine learning. I was so amazed that I, as a chemist, decided to change my career path and start over as a data scientist. I started to learn serious programming skills with Python and gradually, a new world is opening up for me.

If you also want to start your path in data science, check out  the links below: